Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More casual comic racism

Just a short post today... frankly, I'm not sure what I could add to this one. To set the stage for you, Pat has been captured by (who else?) pirates who will shoot any whiteys they see, so Terry decides to go undercover by -- you ready for this? -- painting his body with iodine and using adhesive tape to make his eyes slant. Oh, and pinning some hair to his turban that they cut off an actual Chinese guy while he slept. The worst part is that Connie encourages this bullshit with the following ultra-progressive remark: "As one darn clever Chinee to 'nother - you pooty smart feller!" You're a credit to your people, Connie.

Words fail me.

You can picture Jeffy from Family Circus doing the same thing, right? That little scamp.

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