Sunday, June 1, 2008

Songs to rock out/rock your baby by

Don't have a lot of time today, so just 2 quick thoughts:

1) As of last Tuesday, it's official: we're having a girl! Ann and I are both thrilled, but of course this brings new complications into the picture, namely my impending need for a gun license. I feel sort of bad for my unborn daughter, because I'm going to be the most overprotective father ever. It'll be a real pain for her when all her high school friends are wearing cute miniskirts and she's stuck in snowpants and a trenchcoat, but c'est la vie.

2) Ann clued me in to this while composing the baby shower registry: they now have "Rockabye!" CDs containing soft, orchestral renditions of songs by classic pop/rock artists. Each one is devoted to a particular artist, and apparently they consist of "soothing instrumental lullaby" versions of that artist's songs. I'll admit it's a cool idea (though I never quite associated Nirvana with calming happy feelings, myself), a way for parents to get their kids to sleep while gleaning a smidgen of enjoyment out of the songs as well. There's a lot of the big names you'd expect: U2, the Beatles, the Stones, Led Zeppelin, even Green Day. My one quibble? No R.E.M.

Hey, I see you rolling your eyes. Yes, I'm a wee bit obsessed. Guilty. And I know, it's been almost two decades since R.E.M. was as popular as U2. It's just that a couple of the bands are ones I wouldn't consider either massively popular or as musically influential. I mean, Coldplay? Bjork? Nothing against those guys, but you'll never convince me they've made as significant a contribution to modern music. Or that the first band you think of when you hear "lullaby" is Radiohead. (If you do, email me, we should get some drinks.) True, there are a ton of other deserving bands that, as of yet, have no lullaby CD either -- Gn'R? Bruce and the E Street Band? -- I just won't count my life as complete if I never get to hear a lullaby version of "It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)." And that will be sad.

Oh well. At the very least, my little girl will now be able to nod off to sleep to the strains of "Inbetween Days." That's worth the price of admission right there.

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