Monday, June 23, 2008

Dodging the issue

Here's a question for the class: have you ever been in the position of having to pretend you didn't hear something, just so you could get out of responding to it?

Surprisingly, there's a story behind that question. A few weeks back my sister and I were talking, and she happened to mention that she liked John Cho, who I guess is appearing on Ugly Betty now. Anyway, I nodded and said, "Oh yeah, I remember him... the 'MILF' guy from American Pie." My sister didn't know what I was talking about (youth), but the problem was my mother, who overheard the conversation and asked point blank, "The 'milf' guy? What's a milf?"

So I ask you, friends- what would you have done? I did the only thing I could think of: pretended I hadn't heard her and hastily changed the subject. Thank God she didn't press the issue.

"Well, Mom, y'see, it's when a lady of a certain age..."

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